First tattoo is always special one for everyone as it decides your personality and gives it a different charm having a first tattoo is always confusing it you have to choice the perfect design and the artist people who try to have their first tattoo always has a fear of the society and think that what if the tattoo goes wrong and the needle of fear is a different one there are thousands of questions that run in the minds who try to have their first tattoo.

Making of having at first tattoo definitely gives us happiness and A different glow on our faces then we try to find some designs related to our needs after going through thousands of designs we finally choose one design to ink after deciding the design we try to gain some ideas from my friends and in that way some of our friends will say the design is very good and Sam will say no the design is not that attractive it’s not good and many more things and which will make you more confused in the fear of the tattoo starts from that particular moment when someone is demotivate you about the design which you have chosen.

There might be lots of people in our and surroundings who have inked a tattoo and their tattoos have gone in a wrong way if we have to take any tips from them then their words will make us more confused and they will not tell God about the tattoos as their so it’s better we don’t ask any ideas or tips from them at it well demotivate you so rather asking them ask the people who have inked their tattoo in a perfect shape.
As per our years of experience we have surveyed that when a customer comes to our studio and show their design and finalising all the needs which they have wanted to have in their tattoo gaining ideas from their friends or some family members And here are some funny points below that we experience from the people who try to get their first tattoo done at our studio and it really get a broad smile on our faces looking at their expressions and reactions.

1:- Hey broooo! Does it pain ya?
2:-You’ll use new needles right?
3:-Will the blood flow while getting inked?
4:-I won’t gets infection right?
5:-How long the pain will exist?
6:-Well the tattoo get light?
7:-what Ointment should we follow up?
8:-Does this design look good?( And the funny part is they ask this for their finalised design even if though they are not confused)
9:-Excited about their tattoo but tell their friends to come and seat besides then
10:-Hey please get my video done while getting a tattoo